Youth Ministries

New Hope Youth Ministry is a welcoming and safe youth community of faith where youth in 6th-12th grade will BELIEVE, BELONG and GROW in Christ through fellowship, worship, missions, and education. ALL are welcome. 

Regular Youth Meetings take place on Sunday evenings from 5-7 PM. Meetings consist of fellowship over a meal, a short Bible lesson, and a time of games and fun.

Special Events include mission projects, lock-ins, Nerf Day, Video Game Night, and Karaoke.

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Doug Smith- An English and History teacher turned stay-at-home-dad and homeschool teacher, Doug is New Hope’s Coordinator of Youth and Children’s Ministry. He has volunteered for over a decade of service in various capacities within New Hope kids’ ministry from Sunday morning Children’s Church to mission trip leader.


Rachel Smith- An RN that has worked with children at The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN as well as Brenner’s Children’s Hospital in Winston-Salem. In addition to being a Youth Leader, Rachel teaches the Youth-age Sunday School Class, Abundant Harvest, on Sunday mornings.


Patrice Priest- Nurse and well known among the young people at New Hope, Patrice has been working with children and teaching Sunday School for decades. She helps lead the Sunday night Lighthouse Children’s Ministry as well as Sunday morning Children’s Church


Thelma Floyd- Long time member of New Hope and ever-present volunteer helping to shape the lives of our children and Youth.


Kim Logan- Long time volunteer in children’s ministry, Kim helps lead Sunday morning Children’s Church as well helping keep the Nursery.


Jaime Chapman- Nurse and leader for our Youth Group not only on Sunday nights but on various Youth Trips as well.


John Smith- One of the leaders of our Lighthouse Children’s Ministry, John is also one of our tech crew members who helps livestream our worship services.


Ariel Smith- Youth volunteer who helps teach Children’s Church on Sunday Mornings as well a teacher of the “Good Soil” children’s Sunday School class for young children.